Support IJS

Give the gift of mindfulness: A Jewish response to a turbulent world


Your gift to the Institute for Jewish Spirituality will ensure that we can continue to be a spiritual haven for Jews who yearn for greater resilience, belonging, and connection in an increasingly volatile world. 
Tuition covers only a portion of the cost of running a world-class hub of Jewish mindfulness. We rely on generous donors like you to help sustain our programs, retreats, free offerings, and the many ways the IJS community is revitalizing Jewish life for the 21st century. 
This is the Judaism so many are yearning for.
Support IJS to make it accessible to all.


To dedicate a Daily Sit with a $180 donation, please click here.

To find out about making a Legacy Gift to IJS, please click here.

For more ways to make a gift, please click here.

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